Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Find Your Love - Video

Louis once wrote that the Empire State of Mind video was exactly what he had expected it to be. Well, I think it's safe to say that this video is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of anything I ever would have anticipated to see when I listen to this song. Some nice looking ladies wearing minimal clothing and I would have called it a day, instead we get Jamaican gangsters blowing Drake's brains out. Perplexing.
I'm not saying it's bad by any means. Most music videos consist of a rapper standing in front of a camera moving his hands around, but hey whatchya gonna do about it?

Find Your Love Vid - Sooo Confusing


  1. this must have been the first time drake had smoked in months

  2. sorry mom i had to do it to em

  3. it seems like a high production cost for a song in which nothing happens.


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