Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yay For Entourage!!

In case you don't know me personally, I am in fact a male human being, I am also in college, the combination of those two things subsequently guarantees that I watch the HBO show Entourage. It is possibly the most enjoyable show of all time. When I say enjoyable I mean it is the most accessible and easiest show to get delved into. Watching Vince and the boys wear sweet sunglasses while walking around and eating lunch is just some awesome fucking television. Vince is the de facto main character, but he literally has done nothing but acquire a license this season, and yet the show is still able to retain it's chicness (my favorite word). Jeremy Piven pretty much steals every show as Ari Gold. E can be a little bitch at times especially when he picked this over this. Turtle is the best driver on television and Johnny Drama and Lloyd are funny as fuck. Throw that on top of some smoking hot girls in every episode and random guest appearances from world famous athletes and rappers (my favorite being this) and you have a television show that is sure to be eaten up by the cocky and aspiring to be wealthy bros across America. I would like to personally thank the show for balancing out my mental state after it has been severely depressed by Man on the Moon: The End of Day. I make it a rule to watch one episode for every listen of the album. That is not to imply that Man on the Moon is a album of little quality, much to the contrary. I am teetering on awarding it the hallowed GTOAT(The Departed) ranking, but for now were just gonna applaud Entourage for what it is: an enjoyable show that requires little emotional investment but rewards with the feeling that life is awesome as fuck if you become a movie star. Something we can all realistically aspire to become, oh wait... fuck.

Entourage- Sickest Thing Ever

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