Monday, March 1, 2010

Baseball is Coming--BASEBALL IS COMING!

Our cynical, media-fighting friends over at Deadspin do still occasionally write about sports, even if it's only a contribution from the man who started it all, Will Leitch. In anticipation of the upcoming baseball season (It's coming. Ohhh praise Allah it's coming. BBQ's at my house every day!), Leitch is writing a blurb about each team every day. Today was the Red Sox's day, and his column is glowing. Here's an excerpt:

At the beginning of the last decade, the Red Sox outfield consisted of Troy O'Leary, Carl Everett and Trot Nixon, and the first baseman was Brian Daubach. Today, the Red Sox go about three guys deep at every position, leaving nothing to chance. (The Red Sox are so deep, you expect them to attempt a line change in the fourth inning.) They are an enterprise now. They manufacture championships, even when they don't. No longer is the torture and pain around. In 2000, they were Daniel Plainview, ravaging the land for oil, breaking his leg, striving, failing, hungry. In 2010, they are Daniel Plainview, alone in their castle, lost from who he once was but still searching ... but just searching in a massive mansion with a bowling alley. The Red Sox are who they always were. They just have a bigger house now. The Red Sox traded up.

One suspects the fans, the true fans, would have it no other way. The Red Sox turned into what their most diehard fans wanted them to be all along: A simple dominant team unencumbered by history, megalomania over misery. I'd make that trade. Wouldn't you?

It's pretty amazing to think about how far this team has come. That we used to think we were fielding a title team with John Valentin at third and Jeff Frye at second is pretty astounding considering how unreal the team is now. Here's the whole essay if you want to read it. I'm sure Deadspin will appreciate the increase in traffic.

Baseball season - Greatest Thing of All-Time (The Departed)

PS, The girl across from me in the library is video chatting with someone, mouthing words and gesticulating wildly at her computer--completely silently. It's pretty funny.

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