Monday, May 25, 2009

Just Dropping In

Work sucks and I hate growing up and I wish we were all still in 8th grade going to Park Street every day and playing truth or dare with girls and thinking making out was the greatest thing of all time (the departed). That's my excuse for not posting in a month. Evenways, being the free lance concert blogger that I've become, I'm just droppin' in to post about my upcoming concert - Asher Roth, B.o.B. (I don't know if he's officially Bobby Ray now or if he even likes it or if he's ashamed of it), Kid CuDi, and 88 keyz on July 14th at the House of Blues in Boston. You may be thinking, Skittles didn't you go to a concert there with Kid CuDi performing and you sat directly next to Rajon Rondo? That's right kids. I did. But this concert should be a good time.

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