Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pats Take a Dump on Joey Porter

I really went screenshot crazy today, but that's not the point. The Pats are starting to look hella good so I'm gonna keep on dancing. Stupid Joey Porter gave new definition to the term "non-factor," tackling zero New England players the entire game, and spending most of his time on the sideline looking sullen as the Pats neutered and spayed the Wildcat formation.
Tom Brady went surgeon general on the Dolphins; he's really starting to get back to where he was in 2007 in terms of timing and chemistry with Moss and Welker. I think the best example of that was the play in the fourth where they faked the hand-off and Tom threw a quick slant to Randy for a first down. That play is their bread and butter, and it hinges entirely on the timing between Randall and Thomas, and they ran it to perfection. Also Randy showed he's still the most physically talented receiver in the AFC, with that redonkulous one-hander in the first half and his 70+ yard shoestring grab-and-go caesar salad wrap for a touchdown.
Great day for the Pats. Joey Porter isn't cool.

PS, Although I h8 h8 h8 h8 Joey Porter, I really actually kind of like the Dolphins as a team. I mean, how fucking sick is it that they basically run the option half the time? Just run the Wildcat once in Madden 10 and tell me it isn't the most fun you've ever had.
Another really cool player, Pat White, burned the Pats on that one run where Tully over-pursued on the fake pitch to Ronnie Brown and Pat ran like 50 yards. Also Ricky Williams is the man and Ronnie Brown is really cool too, as is Bill Parcells. There's just a lot to like if you're a Dolphins fan. Plus, they're not the Jets. What's not to like?

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