I began the week driving a 4X4 through the beaches and one way roads of Fraser Island. The worlds largest sand island, whooppeeee. There were nine of us in the truck with hundreds of pounds of our luggage directly above our head. This genius design made the vehicle incredibly susceptible to tipping. At the time I thought tipping might be fun and we nearly did many times throughout the three days spent on Fraser, but once returning home and reading this article I discovered tipping might not have been a very enjoyable experience. The whole process is really just a horrible idea. Sending a group of college students with dozens of goon bags (cheap ass wine), out on this island, who have zero experience driving these types of machines and driving on soft sand and crazy ass rocks, is a recipe for disaster. It rained the entire time I was there and I literally woke up soaking in a poodle that had creeped in to our "waterproof" tents the second night. Every girl on the trip thought it was the worst thing of all time(Fraser Island), but I personally still had a great time and used the whole thing as a learning experience to live off soggy bread and fight dingoes. Driving over these rocks was probably the best part of the trip, enjoy my truckmates face as we trek over some jarring path.
After seeing some more cool ass shit on the sandy vagina that is Fraser Island my group of traveling partners and I took a 12 hour bus ride over night to a nice little town called Airlie beach and boarded a boat to sail around the Whitsunday Islands. The Whitsundays are a group of 74 islands off the coast of Eastern Australia. After a couple days of inevitable Lonely Island quotations, snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef, going to the 7th best beach in the world, sea sickness and hangovers it was time to leave our schooner and sample the Airlie beach nightlife, but one small activity would arise between the boat and our last night on vacay... just a little thing called skydiving. One of my friends had planned on doing it over the Whitsundays the entire trip but I never even considered it. I always planned on doing it here in Wollongong, but after an hour or so of convincing I was 12,000 feet in the air with my feet dangling out of a fucking airplane. It's tough to explain your thoughts at that point. The first time you skydive you must do a tandem dive with a professional attached to you, so you really aren't that nervous considering they do all the important stuff like pulling the chute. The feeling that dominated my mind was mainly just, "let's get this over with". Sitting in the plane I just felt the need to be back on the ground and wanted to fly through the air as fast as possible to get my feet back on the earth where they belong. This feeling doesn't last long considering as soon as you jump and you are rocketing towards the earth at terminal velocity, and the skin on your face sucks to your bones, and your mouth fills up with air and you basically look like a massive doofus, there isn't much else to think than HOOOLLLY FUCKIIING SHIT!!!! The free fall lasted 40 seconds then the parachute deploys and you float peacefully down to earth a changed man. Just check this pic and then imagine seeing this shit from the heavens.
Once regaining my ability to comprehend things on land, we headed back to Airlie and had a less than uneventful night. Talking to a prostitute, musical chairs with beds, and a certain white shirt made the night more than noteworthy. Now it's back to real world and blogging up a storm.
Easter Break- Greatest Thing of All Time(The Departed)
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