Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Sometimes we have to get serious, and this is one of those times.
Perhaps you nogfaces remember Arlen Spector, the douchebag Pennsylvania senator who flipped his shit over the Patriots "spygate" tapes. Mr. Spector's criticisms of Roger Goodell et al. were mostly really cool because, like, the country is facing so many fucking problems, why wouldn't we worry about professional sports, the most inconsequential thing in the whole world? I pretty much lost all respect for Arlen after he pulled this horseshit stunt (although he was a republican at the time, so I pretty much had no respect for him already).
Well now Arlen's looking to get some more attention and, more importantly to him, looking to increase his chances of re-election, by switching parties and joining the democratic caucus in the senate. This is a pretty shameless attempt at increasing his chances of re-election, given the fact that he's facing an increasingly democratic voter population. In fact, look at this quotation from good old Arl': "Last year, more than 200,000 Republicans in Pennsylvania changed their registration to become Democrats. I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans." Christ jesus. How convenient. Yeah, so like, as soon as the entire voting population switched their voter registration, I like, woke up and I was like oh yeah I think I'll switch too. That's like talking to girl and being like, "Oh I love popcorn." And then she's like, "I hate popcorn," and then you're like, "yeah I fucking hate popcorn let's go hang out and talk about how much we hate popcorn." It works for hooking up with girls (60 percent of the time every time), but let's see if the good people of Penisvania will get duped.
I hate Arlen Spector, because he's a shameless, attention-craved jerkhole, but this is obviously great news for the democrats, because it makes us filibuster-proof in the senate, which means that we can run shit and all the stupid republicans can cry and complain that we're all "Anti-American" even though SOMEHOW democrats keep getting elected by like, I don't know, the general public, which is actually an extremely American principle.

Arlen Spector - Pretty shitty
Democrats controlling the earth - Greatest Thing of All-Time (The Departed)


  1. So much misinformation here that I don't know what to say, Louis. Clearly you don't understand the motive behind this move. If you could actually look past your blind Tom Brady cock fetish you would realize that you shouldn't hate him too much seeing as this dude has been one of the most liberal Republicans for a while. That whole "200,000 Republicans became Democrats" wasn't really pandering; this dude has grown increasingly liberal (see his positions on immigration, the environment and abortion). In fact, most conservative pundits did not really consider him a Republican. Anyway, due to the potential reordering in the Republican party he actually was drawing significant competition for the PRIMARY election this coming term. The reason he moved was not to win the general election; he'll probably do that regardless. It was because his reelection campaign would be exceedingly difficult if he lost in the primary, which was a significant possibility because there are more conservative people running in the primary. He is essentially in the same position Joe Lieberman was a couple of years ago (who lost his primary because he is conservative on national security issues but won the general election). Due to the 2-party system it's difficult for politicians to cross the aisle on issues. Don't automatically consider him a all out Democrat just because he changed his title. He won't always vote liberally so the "super-majority" talk has to be tempered.

    Super-majority for anyone = Really Shitty

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. and that, friends, is why we post about politix as rarely as I have sex.


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