So evenways, The Bomber chose UNC to win it all (he also assumed that Ty Lawson would be healthy; BIG MISTAKE BOMBER!!!!). Apparently Mike Krzyzewski took some issue with the fact that Barry took like 7 minutes out of his day to appear on ESPN and try to appear young and hip (which fucking won him the erection), and fill out his bracket with Randy Katzenmoyer (Andy Katz). Coach Kzkrrjjhhzizskfjdafhfhski said, "Somebody said that we're not in President Obama's Final Four, and as much as I respect what he's doing, really, the economy is something that he should focus on, probably more than the brackets."
Well Chris Jesus Mike. As if everyone in America didn't fucking hate the shit out of you enough, you decide to go and shit all over The Bomber simply because he didn't pick your fucking flawed team to make it to the Final Four (by the way Mike, maybe I should be focusing on my studies, but I'm too busy picking you to bow out in the Thweet Thirty-two, so suck a dick and die bro. JK, but seriously). Of all the coaches that could have made such a bold statement, you'd think it would be some loud-mouthed douche, not one of the classiest and most respected coaches of all-time.
I'm a fan of Duke, which makes me the only one on earth other than all those other Indian kids who tent in K-Ville, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to defend a team that seems to consciously try to make everyone hate them. I understand that Coach K probably (hopefully) meant this shit as a joke, but he could have said something funnier and less biting and backhanded.
By the way, can you blame The Bomber for picking Duke to lose, given the fact that THE EXACT SAME TEAM was a 2 seed last year and only barely beat 15th seeded Belmont on a fucking miraculous Gerald Henderson lay-up?
Also, Blake Griffin said something funny about The Bomber's picks (which I can't find but remember seeing on SportsCenter this morning before I snorted three lines of cocaine, so you gotta trust me on this), which totally supports my claim that they're going to win it all. Blake's brain clearly still works, because he's able to process complex information like the President's bracket, and he's got great karma on his side, while Duke is obviously going to lose extremely early because Coach K is a douche.
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