Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's the Remix!!!!!!

So apparently they had an I Love College remix contest, which no one told me about, because I obviously would have won it cuz I'm a fucking genius on the boards, but that's neither here nor there. Here's the winner:

The whole drum track is a drum machine that features beatbox sounds by Chesney Snow, which is pretty cool because it's hard to make a human beatbox sound cool (here's the only other song that pulls it off). I think this remix is solid, and it certainly changes the tone of the song from the original drinking anthem to something a little darker.
"I Love College" has already started to blow and I truly believe that as more and more drunk kids hear it they'll love it, and it'll become a party anthem that everyone belts out when they're sloshed. I know I'm going to bump it at house parties and encourage everyone to sing along. It just goes to show that all you need is a catchy hook about drinking and fucking and you've got a top-20 hit.

"I Love College" Remix - Whatever

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