Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Facebook Status Gold

A quick run through your friend's Facebook statuses usually ensures a few chuckles. The grammatical structure of the sentences and the fact that the word "is" is left out of many of the stati(that's plural for status in scientific terms) can lead to some rather awkward and quite frankly retarded phrasings. I will leave the names out of these idiotic statements to prevent tha crick from being subjected to intense legal pressure. Here are just a few that should garner a LQTM or two.

John Doe that party last night was oftly crazy.
Here we see an anonymous male trying to quote an Asher Roth line from his single "I Love College." Not only does it not make any sense that he would quote this line after his name but he spells awfully... oftly. No wonder they say hip hop makes you dumb.

Jane Doe is hurt foot :(.
Classic facebook status... this girl does not have a hurt foot, but rather is a hurt foot.

John Doe is iphone is messed up after a drunkin night in Biddo.
This kid is obviously trying to tell people that he is cool due to the fact that he has an Iphone, and spent a night partying. But this man spent the night partying in Biddo, pretty much the worst place in the world for all of you non Southern Maine residents out there, and during his time there he somehow morphed into a dysfunctional Iphone. Sounds like a rough night.

John Doe is i make bucks like milwaukee cuz like sam i cassell.

Just a case of some guy posting a horrific rap line, thinking its good.

If you at all laugh quietly to myselfed during this post please comment, because I think we could make this our first weekly installment of tha crick.

Facebook Stati- Sick

1 comment:

  1. i did and you definitely should make this a weekly thing


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