Tuesday, March 31, 2009

RIP Metacricket

I'm sorry to say, but after some intense deliberation with my fellow Metacricket contributors we have decided to put an end to this blog. We have all reached a point in our lives where the daily stresses of life have become to demanding for us to maintain the crick. Obvious to our readers, this was a well executed, hilarious, and news breaking blog. It was nice for us contributors to say we actually did something that we said we were going to do for once, as many of our last projects have fell by the wayside (i.e. Inside Joke/Back From School). I know this must be tough for our vast region of readers, this blog was probably your homepages by now, but rest assured we will leave the blog here as a tribute to the hard work we put in. You will be able to go back to the classic A-Rod Oompa Loompa post, Biff's racial defense of Lil Wayne and every other nut gargling post of his other favorite rappers, and pretty much every one of Skittle's posts are a gem now that he never posts. We are destined to go down in the famed echelon of blogs, we'll be right up there with Fire Joe Morgan soon. For now, as B.O.B. says, Meet Us In The Sky.

http://metacricket.blogspot.com- Greatest Thing Of All Time(The Departed)
Please Consider The Date And The Fact That I'm In Australia

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