Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Attempt At Reviewing Incredibad: Pitchfork Style

Look, we all know Pitchfork Media is weak as fuck. For those that don't know, Pitchfork is music review website, probably consisting of a bunch of pretentious wannabe indie rockers. When they review albums they don't focus on the music that they just listened to, but rather they focus on their own writing style and try to sound smart by writing like fucking Hemingway. They refuse to give a good rating to any band that isn't some underground independent hipster group called the fucking Gooks or some shit. Anyways here's my satirical attempt at making fun of them.

Incredibad- 5.3

Andy Samberg isn't simply a comedian. In fact, he's more of a dilettante. In the past his humor has been abundant in its juvenility. This playful immaturity continues on his debut LP, Indredibad. Where Samberg fluctuates away from the conventional and conformist comedy is in his reverence towards the art form. Samberg clearly draws from an array of comedic styles and fashions. On Indredibad he seeks to create an irreproachable embroidered style of comedy, in musical form. The question isn't whether it will result in hilarity. It is clear that Samberg is constitutionally incapable of creating anything that produces no laughs. It is a corollary that Incredibad will leave our cheeks sore, but the question is whether musically, Samberg and the rest of Lonely Island can succeed in creating an LP that merits a listen.

That's all for now. I'm sick of substituting big words for my language by looking them up on thesaurus.com and right clicking them on Microsoft Word and looking at its synonyms to try and sound smart, but that's probably what Pitchfork writers do.

Pitchfork Media - Shitty

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